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PLSC 491

This course guide provides information to support and supplement what is covered in the PLSC 491 library session.

Plant Science Databases

The library provides access to many databases that will have information about plant science research articles. Some of the most recommended databases for Plant Science are:

Help Finding Articles

See some of the library guides related to finding articles

Finding the Full Text of an Article

Don't see a PDF or HTML of the full text of the article in the database? Look for the Search @ NDSU button. Clicking that button will open a new tab/window that will search the library records to see if the library has access to that article. 

See the following guides for more options for finding the full text of an article:

If We Don't Have It, You Can Request It (For Free)!

If the library does not have access to the article, you can request it, for free, through Interlibrary Loan. For more information and instructions on how to use the service: